Tax Planning
Tax planning is the most interesting role in practice which involves organising a client's affairs to achieve the most beneficial taxation situation. The directors of Stewart Associates Shrewsbury Ltd are particularly strong in this area of expertise supplemented by regular contact with a number of external specialists including direct access to tax counsel and access to aggressive tax planning schemes (which are now highly regulated).

We plan to mitigate the impact of taxation wherever possible. To do so entails the consistent updating of changing legislation and case law and it is essential to have not only the knowledge but the foresight to apply the knowledge to a particular situation.
There is no magic to reducing the taxation burden but we will always ensure it does not impact any more that it should and where any positive action is available it will be recommended.
We are happy to discuss the taxation implications of Trusts, Self Invest Pension, Unapproved Pensions (EFRBS), EBT's, Limited Companies, LLP's, VCT's, EMI, EIS and SEIS relief, and any other form of Income, Capital Gains or Inheritance Tax mitigation.
The Courts in a long standing case have declared that a taxpayer is quite entitled to arrange his affairs in such a way that the state takes as little as possible from him. We will take an aggressive stance on a situation which is defensible under law but will not with something which we know to be wrong. That would be fraud and we know our clients do not wish to commit such an offence.
The 2013 Finance Act has introduced a general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) which we are well aware of and take in to account when considering tax mitigation.