Stewart Associates (Shrewsbury) Ltd
Emstrey House (North), Shrewsbury Business Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6LG.

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1 July 2020

Flexible Furlough Template Employee letter

Note. Items in italics to be amended or omitted as appropriate to individual circumstances

Employer name if not on headed paper]
[Employer address]


Dear [Employee name]

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic you have already been furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme for a period of not less than 3 weeks prior to 30 June 2020 and you will remain furloughed subject to the new flexible furlough scheme.

You will continue to be paid [as normal/and will receive 80% of your normal pay/ you will receive pay of £2,500/£2,187.50 and £1,875 per month]***

Income tax and national insurance will be deducted from your pay as normal.

You will continue to be our employee during the furloughed period. Your flexible furlough period starts on [insert start date, this cannot be before 1 July 2020]. It will end on the earlier of:
The date we request you to return to work.
31 October 2020 unless this date is extended by the government. We will notify you if this is the case.

We expect the period not to exceed four months. This may be extended if government restrictions mean that it is not possible for you to return to work. The government has set the minimum furlough period at one week.

[During your furlough period you will be required to work [insert number of hours]** per week/month]*
[The number of hours that you will be required to work during your furlough period will be agreed with you in writing at the start of each week/month]*

[As already discussed we agree that you may other undertake paid temporary work/and unpaid voluntary work during your furloughed period]*

We will contact you when you are required to return to work with us and the appropriate hours.

Please sign the attached form to confirm your agreement to being a furloughed employee and return to me on paper or by email by [date]****.

Yours sincerely


Consent form: for a furloughed employee to return to the employer

I [Employee name] consent to being a furloughed employee until such time as I am asked to return to work.

I understand that I remain an employee of [insert name of employer] and must continue to adhere to the terms of my employment other than by prior agreement with my employer.

PRINT NAME ___________________

SIGNATURE ___________________

DATE ___________________


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    01743 235236

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