Business consultancy
The tools to help a business are many and varied.
From business plans, operating budgets and forecasts to strategic planning, 'what if' scenarios to profitability planning, there is much that can be achieved by talking to us about your business.
We are experienced in advising clients investing in other businesses or outright acquisition of an existing business and to undertake due diligence reports on behalf of the purchaser.
We are members of the Ran One Business Consulting and Coaching Programme.
Business start-ups
Having started in business ourselves we appreciate the difficulties encountered in taking the step in to self employment.
We enjoy the ability to assist the development of fledgling businesses from the initial decision process right through to the eventual sale. This includes the business plan, choosing the trading medium, the book-keeping requirement, the ongoing advice and in particular the hand holding required by a new business venture.
Budgets and projections
We commonly assist in the initial preparation of budgets which are particularly beneficial when subsequently compared to actual results.
We have sophisticated software which enables multi year projections, monthly or longer period reporting and "what if" scenarios linking the results to any other information within the projection. The cash flow impact is reported and which is essential for new, expanding or acquisitive businesses.
Strategic Planning
Why are you in business? Where will you be in five years time? Where do you want to be in five years time? How will you achieve this?
If you plan it you can achieve it!
We specifically include a section on targets to highlight the importance. In some ways it duplicates the thought about strategic planning although target setting should come down to not just the long term but the short term, particularly monthly business targets.